How to create an instant patio garden

Here are some easy steps to create a patio garden of your own.

Here are some easy steps to create a patio garden of your own.

The correct placement of plants, furniture and architectural elements can make or break any garden.

I find it is best to begin by placing a tree or large architectural elements in the corner that is most prominent from both inside the home and outside.

In another corner, place your next largest plant or container for balance.

A third substantial plant or architectural element should be placed so as to form a triangle in your new outdoor living space. If you were to look at your new garden from above, you would see a triangle formed from the two containers in the corner and the one just off the center

The next step is to place elements around the three main pieces, making little garden areas. Once you’ve placed all your plants, step back and take a look. If you love it – plant it. Once you’ve planted it, find yourself some cozy furniture, get yourself a cup of ice tea, and you’ve created an instant garden.

– On The House