What government is not saying

Regarding the April 25 article by Sen. Fred Jarrett regarding the use of alternative fuels, and the government mandating their use: He claims that if the state requires biofuels and hybrid cars, we will save $260 billion at the pump.

What he isn’t telling you is that this plan will cost several times that amount to develop the technology and pay for its production. And, there is no way that biofuels can be produced in the quantity required in the timeframe given. Biofuels will be devastating to the environment, requiring the conversion of native forests to farmland.

There is also the cost of developing new electricity sources. Where is all this power going to come from, when everyone plugs in their car at night? Coal plants are being banned by the EPA and nuclear energy is forbidden. That leaves the complete jokes of wind and solar. Even Ted Kennedy is smart enough to fight the blight of windfarms off the coast of his family compound. If he doesn’t want them in his backyard, why should I have to have one in mine?

If you want to pay an additional $200-$300 per month to power your electric car, and another $1000 annually on your utility bill to pay for cap-and-trade, then support these proposals.

Or did you really believe that all it took was for the government to wave its magic wand of mandates and laws? We all know that the laws of physics and economics are suspended when the our representatives and senators declare that the world is ending.

Janet Suppes, Bellevue