I support the school district. The district needs to stick to the proposal, which is more than generous and not waiver. Get a court order and send the teachers back to work.
Comment: As a Bellevue School District parent, classroom volunteer and PTA board member, I unequivocally support our wonderful teachers. I also vehemently oppose this strike.
I am writing to express my full support for our excellent teachers in their current contract negotiations with the Bellevue School District. As a parent of students entering 6th and 9th grade this fall who have attended Bellevue schools since kindergarten, I have experienced the gradual transformation of the district curricula along with a transformation in administrative style.
Regarding the recent article mentioning moving sidewalks, this has got to be one of the dumbest ideas I have ever read. Why make moving sidewalks when most of America is already fat.
It feels like every day I open the newspaper I read a new story about school districts struggling to pay for fuel for busses, food for students, and salaries for teachers. Giving every child in this state a good education should be our number one priority, so why aren’t we getting any relief from D.C.?
I have a suggestion for the Bellevue school board in its current quest to ensure that teachers districtwide follow the same lesson plans for all their subjects.
I appreciated Walter Backstrom’s thoughtful article of Aug. 20 about using the N-word.
The article about our proposed “Grand Esplanade” for downtown Bellevue was well written and very attractively presented.
Wind turbines are the latest popular “answer” to our country’s energy problems with talk of three-bladed monsters covering vast areas from Texas northward. T. Boone Pickens is spending millions to promote his vision of generating 20 percent of our energy from wind power (although her refuses to install any of the turbines on his own 120,000 acre ranch).
The sidewalk, as shown in Bellevue Reporter article concerning the Grand Esplanade, is a terrific proposal. However the moving sidewalk portion would be an expensive and high maintenance device.
I thoroughly enjoyed Walter Backstrom’s piece in the Bellevue Reporter entitled: The gravy train has ended.
I am a resident of Bellevue and recently went on a mission trip to Mississippi with my church, Aldersgate United Methodist. We went to Biloxi where there still are people suffering losses from hurricane Katrina. We built and painted houses and helped renovate destroyed areas.
All of the snide comments about Republicans (and “George Bush Republicans”) in the Democrats’ campaign commercials must be directed at the typical uninformed voters oblivious to the fact that the Democratic-controlled Congress’s approval rating is less than half that of the president’s. Presumably its miserable rating is due to the fact that that it’s done almost nothing for two years.
Amen, Mr. Backstrom. Well said. I have long felt that without “victims” the liberal leaders in this country would not have the power they now enjoy. It is time for everyone to exercise personal responsibility and effectively participate in this society to the best of his/her ability.
I have two granddaughters and a grandson that live close to me in the Bellevue area and they belong to a fishing and hunting clan. I hope they will enjoy the fishing and hunting in Washington that I have since moving here from Montana in the 1950’s, and that our three children have since the 1970’s.
Thanks for your editorial in the in the Bellevue Reporter on the bicycle issue. It’s true that cooler tempers should prevail.
I am a recreational bicyclist and enjoy getting out on my bike for the exercise, the fresh air and the scenery. The recent editorial in the Bellevue Reporter regarding sharing the roads made several good points, but I think you have missed the mark with some of the remarks as well.
Nic Corning is the strongest candidate running for Superior Court Judge Position 37.
Your Aug. 2 editorial added to the attention that has been paid to the recent stupidity contest between cyclists and a motorist in Seattle, which, near as I can tell, ended in a tie. But there’s another group that confronts cyclists: pedestrians. And that leads me to an urgent request.
The most disturbing thing about the current Eastside transportation funding debate is the muteness of all the elected Eastside leaders.