Let union members vote on Boeing offer

The IAM Machinist Union's "no" vote was short fused and largely based on emotion. Union leadership is urged to let the membership vote on the new Boeing contract offer.


The IAM Machinist Union’s “no” vote was short fused and largely based on emotion. Union leadership is urged to let the membership vote on the new Boeing contract offer.

My hope is that members would focus on the contract and on what a “yes” or “no” vote means for them and their union brothers and sisters. Emotional issues of Boeing management’s compensation, stock performance and profits are distractions. These are not contract issues.

Without the 777X, Puget Sound jobs will dwindle to a trickle. In 25 years, the number of jobs and Boeing’s dependence on the IAM will be insignificant. Boeing will have joined automakers with new facilities and newly trained workforces in states with a weaker union presence.

If the 777X is built here, there is also a good case for continuing to build future new model airplanes here.

Union members deserve a vote on the new contract offer. The first vote was spur-of-the-moment and largely based on emotional hoop-la. There has been time for contemplation. There is a sweetened contract offer. The stakes are high, livelihood versus reduced pensions. It is time for a vote based on careful consideration.

Loyd D. Jacobs, Bellevue