A lovely gift

Every Christmas time for the past 15 years or so I have put up a modest light display in our front garden. Now that I am getting on in years, it takes a good number of hours to set up and I groan and grumble.

Every Christmas time for the past 15 years or so I have put up a modest light display in our front garden. This has grown as we added new items. Now that I am getting on in years, it takes a good number of hours to set up and I groan and grumble, declaring each year that this will be the last time.

Then we found an envelope on our front porch, with a card inside, which in a child’s handwriting simply says “I like your lights, by your secret Santa.”

Thank you, Santa for this lovely gift. I guess I’ll be putting up the lights for some years to come.

Syd Darlington, Bellevue