Inslee should take care of state business | Letter

While Gov. Jay Inslee was jetting to Paris (to talk about the weather) it appears that Washington state was slowly crumbling.

While Gov. Jay Inslee was jetting to Paris (to talk about the weather) it appears that Washington state was slowly crumbling. First we have the Department of Corrections scandal, which goes back to 2001 and more particularly to 2012.

Releasing thousands of prisoners early doesn’t seem to bother Inslee much. After all, he put a moratorium on the death penalty while he is in office. What bothers him is getting caught.

As a direct result of that “computer glitch,” two deaths have so far been attributed. So what does he do? Appoints some cronies to investigate what happened. I predict this will be long and drawn out. The longer the timeframe, the more they will count on the public’s short memory. Also, no heads will roll. At least not high enough to matter.

Then we have the I-405 debacle. Have you driven on it from 3-6 p.m. lately? The right three lanes are so jammed you could have a tailgate party and no one would notice. The left two lanes are so empty you could work off the food by having a game of touch football.

It seems kind of strange to be taxed originally to build the road. Then taxed again to build it out. Then have to pay a fee to use the same road. Sound like overkill? Here’s a message to Gov. Inslee: Take care of the state’s business. The weather will take care of itself.

Denny Andrews
