Delay South Bellevue Park and Ride closure | Letter

Both Bellevue and Sound Transit recognized the devastating effect of closure

Both Bellevue and Sound Transit recognized the devastating effect of closure on transit commuters who use an Eastside park and ride with the following provision in their joint memorandum of understanding:

At least 60 days prior to the closure, Sound Transit will identify and implement alternate parking and transit access for the commuters who utilize the existing park and ride in consultation with the transportation department director and King County Metro.

During the last public discussion about the closure at a Feb. 9, 2015 council presentation, Sound Transit listed the following four reasons for the closure:

1. Site preparation

2. Build the garage and guide way station

3. Complete the garage and station finishes

4. Add systems that include the electrical and safety components of the garage

Typical of Sound Transit, they’ve lied. The March closure has nothing to do with building the park and ride. It isn’t needed until 2023. It can’t possibly take more than two years to create a garage.

Apparently, they believe the parking area near the Humane Society they’re currently using is “less convenient.” The council has an obligation to give Sound Transit the choice of either satisfying the requirements of the memorandum of understanding or delaying the closure until at least 2020.

Bill Hirt
