Firefighters seek more donations for annual drive

Despite the usual outreach to the community, the Toy and Food Drive operated by the Bellevue Firefighters Community Support Foundation is finding itself well short of their goal.

Despite the usual outreach to the community, the Toy and Food Drive operated by the Bellevue Firefighters Community Support Foundation is finding itself well short of their goal.

The drive, which gives food and toys for Bellevue families in need, has collected only 1,000 toys of the 5,000 gift target. The drive runs from Nov. 1 to Dec. 9.

Lt. Ryan Armstrong, public information officer for the Bellevue Fire Department, said he is baffled by the shortfall.

“We’re advertising the same, we have signs at our fire stations which are very prominent and extremely visible,” he said. “It’s not a down year in the economy. I’m just not sure what it is.”

New, unwrapped gifts for underprivileged children are accepted at all nine Bellevue Fire Department stations. Those toys are slated to be handed out at the Crossroads Youth Holiday Party on Dec. 15. Nonperishable canned and prepackaged food will go to Hopelink, which will disperse them to food banks in Bellevue.

Despite the rush for the youth party, gifts will be accepted up until Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, for distribution.

“It’s an amazing feeling when you pull up in the truck and start handing out toys,” Armstrong said. “Usually there is a room full of toys you get to hand out to someone in need.”

Toy suggestions for infants include stuffed animals. Ideas for children 3-10 include new books, games, sports equipment, dolls, cars and trucks. Gift cards are always welcome for teens and pre-teens.

“It’s a way for anyone feeling blessed this holiday season to give back,” Armstrong said.

Visit for a location of the fire stations.