Patty Luzzi | A lost Christmas, but a happy Thanksgiving

Lenny and I have been asking each other if Christmas happened yet. We both worked long hours throughout December, and two of those weeks I worked out of town.

I have a vague memory of a White Christmas: the day I backed out of our driveway after the initial freeze, and slid sideways down the hill. I recall the sound of stomping boots after my kids arrived early on Christmas morning with rosy cheeks from walking to the house having abandoned their vehicles at the foot of our hill. I remember the sound of many shovels as we dug our Prius out of the snow after we almost … made … it … to … the … driveway.

But two of my favorite holiday moments happened on Thanksgiving Day. Our sons, age 23 and 25 were in the family room, and I was in the kitchen. Lenny had set the table for 14 people, and I told him that the boys had been asking who else was coming to dinner. He went out to the family room, and in a few minutes I heard the boys laughing heartily. I heard John say, “Dad, you bought friends on e-Bay?”

“Not e-Bay! It was Craigslist!” I heard Lenny say with mock indignation.

I had not heard the boys laugh so hard in a long time. The truth is that my husband had found an accordion for sale on Craigslist, and when he went to look at it, he found that the sellers were a young couple from Israel who had moved here at the end of summer. He didn’t buy the accordion, but he invited them to Thanksgiving dinner. I’m quite sure Lenny will never hear the end of it.

Now I have to tell you that John had also invited his band, his girlfriend Trish, Trish’s mom, step-dad, and little brother R.J. I knew that although R.J. was 21, he was severely developmentally delayed. He can’t express himself verbally, but he has a smile that could melt the coldest heart. He’s a happy, sweet kid.

We had a hearty meal, and gave thanks for family and friends. After dinner as we lingered over coffee and pie, I caught a glimpse of Trish and her brother, foreheads touching. He grinned as if he was the happiest guy in the world, and her grin said she was so proud of him.

After having my heart broken a few times, I have told myself that I should not let my heart get invested with my sons’ girlfriends until there is a ring on the finger. But sometimes, when you get to see who they really are, it’s not possible to keep your heart out of it. And maybe, just maybe, none of us will have our hearts broken.