Light rail trick or treat | Letter

Before people were even elected to the Bellevue City Council, ghosts with vested interests to make money on the biggest expenditure of light rail ever attempted in our state, were spending money to load the people who would carry the votes that would allow big spooks like contractors, corporations, unions, polling and media rake in the tickets.

Before people were even elected to the Bellevue City Council, ghosts with vested interests to make money on the biggest expenditure of light rail ever attempted in our state, were spending money to load the people who would carry the votes that would allow big spooks like contractors, corporations, unions, polling and media rake in the tickets.

Are we to blame? We cannot be aware of the scary skeletons sneaking up and into our way of living.

The social engineering to stack and pack us into urban centers is taught to much younger than millenials.

Spooks can wait longer than one or two generations to use indoctrination to take everything from us.

Trick or treat! We will really be tricked if Sound Transit 3, Proposition 1 wins, with light rail being obsolete even before the train crosses the I-90 bridge.

Janet Nelson
