Thunderbird Little League squad wins city tourney

The Bellevue Thunderbirds Braves Little League nine-year-old baseball team won the AAA Division all-city baseball tournament on June 12 in Bellevue.

The Bellevue Thunderbird Braves Little League nine-year-old baseball team won the AAA Division all-city baseball tournament on June 12 in Bellevue. The Braves went undefeated during the tourney and defeated the Bellevue West Dodgers 5-1 in the championship game. There were 25 teams who competed in the tourney consisting of squads from Bellevue West, Bellevue East, Bellevue Thunderbird and Mercer Island Little Leagues. The Braves coaching staff and players consist of John Slater, Dragos Barac, Chris Rowland, Lorezno Ramos Bellisari, Tyler Houpt, Jace Rainey, Ethan Schroeder, Nicholas Barac, Christopher Lum, Jared Nakashima, Luke Slater, Taiga Morishita, JJ Cabansag Valdez, Alex Rowland and Alexander Shemwell.