The truth about Bellevueites | Craig Groshart

Who are these people we call "Bellevuites?" Thanks to answers in a Bellevue Reporter poll to determine the "Best of Bellevue," we can tell you.

Who are these people we call “Bellevuites?” Thanks to answers in a Bellevue Reporter poll to determine the “Best of Bellevue,” we can tell you.

We asked respondents a series of 18 questions. Here’s what makes Bellevue tick, according to our completely unscientific survey.

Bellevue people like coffee more than tea (108-43). Well, it is Starbucks country, after all.

Residents also are four-square on the side of having their toilet paper roll off at the top rather than the bottom (134-20). We didn’t ask them if they would buy recycled toilet paper, even if Martha Stewart says we should.

Residents here also appear to see themselves as the James Bond type: they like their martini skaken, not stirred (114-26). But when the martini is gone and it’s time for action, look for them to drive off in a Prius instead of a Hummer (106-34). That reenforces the fact that they see themselves as Green over Drill when it comes to energy (110-39).

Our Bellevueites differ from Bond in another area. They want or have Kids instead of No Kids (108-44). And when they take them out for fast food, it’s McDonald’s over Burger King (64-57). By the way, the family is likely to order a Coke more often than a Pepsi (94-38).

When it comes to pants, we don’t know who wears them in the household, but most people want their jeans to have zippers, not buttons (120-31). At diner you’ll find them fixing chicken more than beef (92-57) and having it with wine more often than beer (110-37). After dinner? It’s milk in their coffee, not soy (112-25).

At work or at play, the computer of choice is a PC over a Mac (107-45). Yes, that’s Bill Gates you hear cheering. They also use Google more than Bing (124-27) as their search engine. Oops, Bill Gates is now booing.

Perhaps because of the economy, they prefer gold over silver (88-58). And, yes, they follow sports, preferring the UW more than WSU (115-21).

For leisure, you’ll more likely find them at the golf course shooting birdies than at the range shooting guns (107-23).

Finally, they think marijuana should be legal (98-51).

Maybe that explains all the other answers.