Let’s hold off on armageddon | Editorial

Some in our state are having an OMG moment because Sens. Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon — both DEMOCRATS — have sided with Republicans to take control of the state Senate. Apparently, armageddon is just around the corner.

Some in our state are having an OMG moment because Sens. Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon — both DEMOCRATS — have sided with Republicans to take control of the state Senate.

Apparently, armageddon is just around the corner.

Interesting those same people weren’t howling when Tom, as a Republican state senator from the Eastside, actually changed parties in 2006 and became a Democrat. Apparently outrage is a one-way street.

Tom also is being blasted because people in his 48th Legislative District support Democrats. Yes, they do – but we think voters around here are more likely to vote for the person rather than the party. That’s one reason why our Top Two Primary was supported by a majority of voters. People know that a “D” or “R” after your name on the ballot doesn’t necessarily make you best for the job.

What’s also amazing is that this doom-and-gloom is being raised before the Senate, with Tom in control, even before any bills have passed. Apparently he is guilty until proven innocent. Funny that we don’t hear this same cry when both Democrats and Republicans come together in a bi-partisan manner to pass legislation.

Count us incurable optimists, but we think the state will survive – and perhaps improve – with the Senate having both Democrats and Republicans in charge. Laws passed after both parties and both houses have had a chance to be heard usually are superior to what we get when one side is running the railroad.

– Craig Groshart, Bellevue Reporter