Voting online for Parkway project

Bellevue residents can vote online for a preferred planting scheme and buffer-wall design that will become part of the city’s West Lake Sammammish Parkway improvement project.

Bellevue residents can vote online for a preferred planting scheme and buffer-wall design that will become part of the city’s West Lake Sammammish Parkway improvement project.

Citizens can complete the survey at the city’s web site ( by following the “Planning Initiatives” button to the “West Lake Sammammish Parkway” link. Details about the project, including a timeline and schematic overview, are available there.

The deadline for comments is 5 p.m. Dec. 22.

Residents began voting at a Dec. 9 open house. A second public meeting is expected next spring, featuring more designs for storm-water improvements, pavement restoration, and ideas on how construction work can be broken into phases.

The West Lake Sammammish Parkway project aims to enhance safety along the corridor by providing a multi-use trail on its west side.