Volunteers to enhance parks for Earth Day today

The Earth Day-Arbor Day Family Festival, an annual Bellevue tradition in which hundreds of volunteers plant trees and shrubs at city parks, is set for Lewis Creek Park today. The event will include a tree-planting ceremony, kite-flying and orienteering.

The Earth Day-Arbor Day Family Festival, an annual Bellevue tradition in which hundreds of volunteers plant trees and shrubs at city parks, is set for Lewis Creek Park today. The event will include a tree-planting ceremony, kite-flying and orienteering.

The park is at 5808 Lakemont Blvd.

From 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., approximately 300 volunteers will fan out in and around Lewis Creek Park, Lakemont Boulevard and the Lake Hills Connector to plant trees and shrubs and remove non-native plants such as blackberry and ivy in park and right of way areas.

The volunteer work will be followed by a tree planting ceremony at Lewis Creek Park with Mayor Grant Degginger, Deputy Mayor Claudia Balducci and Council member Conrad Lee.

Individuals and groups interested in volunteering can register Saturday morning, but they must sign forms at the sign-in desk at Lewis Creek Park by 8:30.

In addition to the kite-flying and orienteering, the Festival, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., will feature interactive displays with tips on how to be “green.” Free healthy snacks will be available.

Posters created by Bellevue fifth-grade students to raise community awareness of the importance of trees in the city will be on display. Park staff will offer guided walks.

Last year, more than 300 volunteers, including groups representing scouts, church groups and businesses such as REI, Starbucks and Merrill Lynch, planted more than 5,000 trees and shrubs in South Bellevue, the Bellevue Golf Course and the Lake Hills Greenbelt.

The Earth Day-Arbor Day Festival and community volunteer projects are made possible with support from many individuals and businesses, including Starbucks Coffee and Whole Foods Market.