UPDATE: International School senior charged with felony harassment for alleged threats to shoot up school

The King County Prosecutor's Office filed a felony harassment charge in juvenile court Thursday against a 17-year-old Bellevue student alleged to have threatened to go on a mass shooting at the International School he attends.

The King County Prosecutor’s Office filed a felony harassment charge in juvenile court Thursday against a 17-year-old Bellevue student alleged to have threatened to go on a mass shooting at the International School he attends.

Police responded to multiple 911 calls around 10 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 12, from people reporting a high school senior made threats to shoot up the school. One student interviewed by police said he overheard the high school senior tell another student earlier that week there would be a school shooting and he would post the time when it was supposed to happen on Facebook the day before. According to the Bellevue police report, no such threats were found on the student’s Facebook page.

That same student told police he received a text from the suspect on Thursday, Feb. 12, stating, “24 hours from now we’ll be dead.” The International School was closed Friday due to the threat, and the 17-year-old student was arrested for felony harassment outside his Bellevue home that morning, presumably as he prepared to go to school.

The Bellevue Reporter is not publishing the name of the student, as he is a minor and has not yet been formally charged with a crime.

Another student interviewed by police said the high school senior told him he planned on “shooting up the school,” and was selling his belongings to raise the cash to buy firearms, according to the police report. The suspect is alleged to have told his classmate he had raised $2,000 to buy body armor and a high-capacity gun magazine, with the goal of acquiring a handgun. The student told police the 17-year-old suspect approached him the next day to see if he would join in shooting up the school, but he declined. He told police he was later told when the shooting would occur.

According to the police report, the suspect does not have a criminal history and his parents do not own any registered firearms at the Bellevue home in which they all reside.

Police interviewed the 17-year-old student following his arrest, where the honor roll student told a detective he does not get along with many students, has few friends and had been considering suicide for the past five years, according to the police report. The student also reported having anger management issues due to being bullied and unpopular at school.

The student admitted he did not have body armor, but had been selling his belongings to raise money, having about $1,000 in his bedroom, according to the Bellevue Police report, adding he researched past school shootings – like Columbine – and firearms online, which calmed him. He also admitted to openly talking about wanting to shoot up the school while he was there.

He told police he convinced his mother to take him to a Bellevue shooting range last year, where he planned to kill himself in front of his mother, but then changed his mind, according to the report.

The King County Prosecutor’s Office had until Thursday to issue a decision whether to pursue charges against the International School senior. Police objected to the student’s release from custody in the report due to his threats of suicide and to harm others.

If convicted, the student faces up to 30 days in detention, up to 12 months of supervision and up to 150 hours of community service. He is scheduled for arraignment on Feb. 23 in juvenile court.