Temple B’nai Torah hosts prospective member Shabbat


Temple B’nai Torah, a Reform Jewish congregation in Bellevue, will host a prospective new member Shabbat on Friday, August 21.

The event, which includes a family dinner, is free for all unaffiliated Jewish residents considering a Temple affiliation. Festivities will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a Happy Hour with hors d’oeuvres, wine and soft drinks. A family Shabbat welcoming service begins at 6 and is full of spirited singing and stories appropriate for families with young children.

Dinner, hosted by Temple members, clergy and lay leaders will be served at 6:30, culminating with an ice cream social.

A traditional service welcoming Shabbat will follow at 8.

The evening concludes with an Oneg Shabbat, featuring desserts and socializing.

Families and individuals attending the event or seeking additional information should call 425.603.9677.

Temple B’nai Torah is located at 15727 NE Fourth St., just east of 156th Avenue Northeast. It is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism.