Teen volunteers sought for pet project

Teen volunteers are sought to help teenagers and their pets become registered Pet Partners. Pet Partners visit hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and other facilities, giving others the opportunity to enjoy animals.

The program, the Delta Society Youth Affiliates Group,

meets once a month and trains volunteers and screens volunteers and their pets for visiting animal programs in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, schools and other facilities. The Pet Partners Program was established in 1990 to ensure that “both ends of the leash,” people as well as animals, were well-prepared to participate in animal-assisted activity and animal-assisted therapy programs.

Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month from 7 – 8 p.m at the headquarters of the Delta Society, 875 124th Ave. N.E., Suite 101, Bellevue

Any teen, age 12-18 is welcome, regardless of whether they own a pet.

For more information visit www.deltasociety.org.