Students laugh it up – all for a good cause

They say everybody needs a little laughter in their lives, and that is exactly what the students behind the Ajay Solanky Show are trying to bring to the community.

They say everybody needs a little laughter in their lives, and that is exactly what the students behind the Ajay Solanky Show are trying to bring to the community.

Founded almost two years ago, the Laughs for Hope comedy group is a student nonprofit with only two goals: to help out the community through charitable donations, and to lighten up people’s lives with comedy.

Those goals are what drove them to put on the show last year in January.

“The show was a huge success,” said Mitchell Huang, one of Laughs for Hope’s founders. “It was touching to watch people of all ages and backgrounds come together to enjoy standup comedy.”

The show raised nearly $500 for Hopelink.

The Laughs for Hope members think they can do even better this year: The Ajay Solanky Show 2.0. To do so, Laughs for Hope has teamed up with another student nonprofit, Students Helping Students.

“Students Helping Students has really helped make this second show possible,” said Julian Rahmel, another member of Laughs for Hope. “We’ve been able to focus most of our time on developing a fabulous routine while they have taken care of publicizing the event, booking the venue, and all of the other nitty-gritty details.”

It has taken almost an entire year to perfect the routine for the new show, Julian said.

“It’s been hours and hours of joke writing, and I think we’re finally ready.”

This year’s show features six acts, including Ajay Solanky, Kunal Roy, Michael Qian, Shiv Ahluwalia, and Varun Dhajanaya, all students at Interlake High School, as well as Curren Mehta, a recent graduate from Bellevue High School.

The proceeds from the show will be distributed between Students Helping Students and Invisible Children.

The show will be held from 8:15-10 p.m. on Friday, March 16 at the Bellevue Youth Theater. Tickets are $5.

For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Kevin Vu at 425-647-5245 or at