Slade Gorton earns First Citizen award

Slade Gorton earns First Citizen award from the Seattle-King County Realtors group

Former U.S. Senator and Washington attorney general Slade Gorton, a Clyde Hill resident, has been named the 72nd Seattle-King County First Citizen by the Seattle-King County Realtors group. The award recognizes community leadership, volunteerism and public service.

Gorton will be honored at a banquet May 27.

Past recipients of the First Citizen award include Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, The McCaw family, and former Seattle Symphony music director Gerard Schwarz.

Gorton is best known for passing “Forward Thrust” legislation as Majority Leader of the State House of Representatives, and for successfully suing Major League Baseball in 1970 to keep the Mariners in Seattle.

Gorton also served as a member of the 9/11 Commission, and was active in the military from 1945-1980. He served with the U.S. Army, Air Force, and Air Force Reserve, ultimately reaching the rank of colonel.