Sixteen honored in Letters to Authors event

Sixteen Bellevue students were honored May 9 in the statewide Letters About Literature contest. Students wrote letters to authors about their books. The competition was sponsored by the Washington State Library and the Library of Congress.

Sixteen Bellevue students were honored May 9 in the statewide Letters About Literature contest. Students wrote letters to authors about their books. The competition was sponsored by the Washington State Library and the Library of Congress.

Level 1 (grades 4-6)

Hallie Chen, state semifinalist, for a letter to Gail Carson Levine about the book “The Two Princesses of Bamarre”; Archika Dogra, state semifinalist, to Cynthia Lord about the book “Rules”; Daniel Lim, honorable mention to E.B. White about the book “The Trumpet of the Swan”; Laurent Man, state semifinalist,    to Linda Sue Park    about the book “A Single Shard:’ Aasiyta Sathar, state semifinalist, to Susan S. Adler about the book “Samantha Learns a Lesson”; Sarah Rose Smale, state semifinalist, to Aesop about the book “Aesop’s Fables”; Sarah Xu, state semifinalist, to Veronica Roth about the book “Divergent”; and Maggie Yu, states semifinalist, to R.J. Palacio    about the book “Wonder.”

Level 2 (grades 7-8)

Sophia Cho, state semifinalist, to J.K. Rowling about the book “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.”

Level 3 (grades 9-12)

Bella Aghajanyan, state semifinalist, to     Naoki Higashida about the book “The Reason I Jump”; Mia Baker, state semifinalist, to John Green about the book “The Fault in Our Stars”; Timothy Bi, state semifinalist, to Deborah Wiles about the book “Each Little Bird That Sings”; Tahlia Edgar-Chalker, state semifinalist to Stephen Chbosky about the book “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”; Jakob Picciotto, state semifinalist, to Jenny Nimmo about the book “Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors”; Phoebe Stern, honorable mention to Linda Sue Park about the book “A Long Walk to Water; and Liliane Tansley, state semifinalist    to Tamora Pierce about the book “First Test.”