Sen. Rodney Tom helps deliver meals to needy Sen. Rodney Tom helps deliver meals to needy

Sen. Rodney Tom (D-Medina) was part of a contingent delivering meals to homebound seniors Thursday, Nov. 20. Tom represents the state’s 48th Legislative District, which includes part of Bellevue.

Sen. Rodney Tom (D-Medina) was part of a contingent delivering meals to homebound seniors Thursday, Nov. 20. Tom represents the state’s 48th Legislative District, which includes part of Bellevue.

The effort was part of Legislators Deliver … Meals on Wheels to bring awareness to the fact that there are many seniors in our state who are hungry because of lack of funding to provide meals.

Meals on Wheels program provides more than 440,000 meals every year to homebound seniors throughout King County.

Sen. Tom went to door-to-door with the agency’s delivery personnel and carried many of the meals into the recipients’ homes.

Meals on Wheels is a program of Senior Services,

Sen. Rodney Tom (D-Medina) was part of a contingent delivering meals to homebound seniors Thursday, Nov. 20. Tom represents the state’s 48th Legislative District, which includes part of Bellevue.

The effort was part of Legislators Deliver … Meals on Wheels to bring awareness to the fact that there are many seniors in our state who are hungry because of lack of funding to provide meals.

Meals on Wheels program provides more than 440,000 meals every year to homebound seniors throughout King County.

Sen. Tom went to door-to-door with the agency’s delivery personnel and carried many of the meals into the recipients’ homes.

Meals on Wheels is a program of Senior Services,