Outdoor movie, games set Aug. 22

An outdoor movie and games night will be held starting at 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 22 at Highland Community Park, 14224 Bel-Red Road.


An outdoor movie and games night will be held starting at 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 22 at Highland Community Park, 14224 Bel-Red Road.

The event will include a free screening of “The Incredibles.”

Bellevue YMCA and Highland Community Center will provide opportunities to meet Bellevue fire and police personnel and participate in pre-movie activities, including sack races, game shows, mini golf, arts and crafts, face painting and other activities for superheroes of all ages and abilities.

Bring blankets and chairs, enjoy the activities and then settle in around 8:30 p.m. to watch the movie on a 16-foot screen. Admission is free, and free popcorn will be provided by Regal Bella Bottega.

RSVP at the YMCA Welcome Center or online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/outdoor-family-movie-night-the-incredibles-tickets-12159853449