Neighborhood forums focus on sharing responsibility

Bellevue’s neighborhood forums series returns in 2012 with a three- part program focused on sharing responsibility for the common good. The opening forum will be from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 29, at City Hall.


Bellevue’s neighborhood forums series returns in 2012 with a three- part program focused on sharing responsibility for the common good. The opening forum will be from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 29, at City Hall.

All three forums are at City Hall and are free. Participants may register for the whole series or for a single forum.

In the first forum, Bill Grace, director of Common Good Works, will offer an address focusing on his vision for stewardship and communal responsibility. He will ask Bellevue residents to look at how they can ensure a healthy community for themselves and for future generations.

Executive director of the Seattle-based Center for Ethical Leadership before starting Common Good Works in Bellevue, Grace is author of the recently published book, “Sharing the Rock,” which will be available for purchase and signing at the forum.

Following Grace’s keynote, participants will have dessert and small group discussions encouraging reflection on the common good as a message for the times. Groups will identify issues and concerns they feel are important to advancing the common good in Bellevue.

The second forum, from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, March 29, will address community needs and focus focus on issues in Bellevue such as providing housing for all members of the community and caring for at-risk youth.

An expert panel will share information that participants will use to delve deeper into the issue of their choice. As a theme, panelists will address how the concept of multi-generational involvement plays out in their subject area.

The third forum, from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, April 19, will encourage participants to move from intention to action. Grace will return to lead an interactive hands-on workshop where participants can contribute ideas, identify projects and join with others to move forward on work for the common good.

Neighborhood Outreach staff will be on hand at the workshop and as an ongoing resource to help with projects and to provide resources and referral.

Neighborhood Forums, which drew sellout audiences in 2011, are made possible this year with the support of several community organizations. Your Local Market, a recent addition to the downtown business community, will provide dessert at each forum.

An RSVP is requested to For more information, contact Neighborhood Outreach staff at 425-452-6836.