Metro wants help to plan future bus service for Bellevue, Redmond

King County Metro Transit is considering changes to Eastside bus routes that currently serve parts of Bellevue and Redmond to prepare for the arrival of the RapidRide B Line in 2011.

King County Metro Transit is considering changes to Eastside bus routes that currently serve parts of Bellevue and Redmond to prepare for the arrival of the RapidRide B Line in 2011.

The B Line is part of Metro’s new Bus Rapid Transit system. It will run between the transit centers in downtown Bellevue and Redmond via Crossroads and Overlake. As part of the planning for the B Line, Metro is forming a community sounding board that will provide advice about public outreach and what changes to bus service would be best for the local communities.

In order to maximize bus routes and avoid duplicating service, Metro will consider routing changes, schedule adjustments, or consolidation of approximately 20 existing routes, including: 221, 222, 225, 229, 230, 233, 240, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 253, 261, 265, 266, 271, 272, and 926.

Metro is looking for sounding board members who:

* Ride the bus frequently;

* Live or work in an area that will be served by one of the bus routes listed;

* Represent a set of special-interest bus riders – such as students, night-shift workers, and people who are elderly or have disabilities; and

* Enjoy participating in a diverse group, with many points of view, to develop recommendations.

The sounding board will meet once or twice a month on Wednesdays from September through next March.

The deadline to submit an application to serve on the sounding board is Monday, Aug. 23. You can apply online at: Or, to request a written application, contact:

Ashley DeForest, Community Relations Planner

King County Department of Transportation

201 S. Jackson St., KSC-TR-0824, Seattle, WA 98104-3856

Phone: 206-684-1154 (TTY Relay 711)
