Metro Transit chaining up buses in anticipation of snow

King County Metro Transit is planning on chaining most of its buses for the Wednesday morning commute, and warns bus riders that service could be delayed by the weather conditions throughout the day – particularly in outlying areas of East and Southeast King County.

Many buses may be on snow routing, if not for the morning commute then by midday and late afternoon. Metro may have to switch to snow routes in some locations with little notice. Metro officials say the best way to stay on top of the reroutes is to check the adverse weather information on Metro Online, or call the Customer Information Office at 206-553-3000.

Bus riders are reminded to:

Be patient. Buses are not always on schedule in snowy or icy conditions. And, increased ridership during bad weather can result in crowded buses and a longer-than-usual wait on the phone for the Customer Information Office;

Dress warmly for the walk to the bus stop, expect delays, and wear appropriate footwear for the weather;

Head for bus stops on main arterials or at major transfer points such as park-and-ride lots, transit centers, or shopping centers; and

Riders should wait at bus stops at the very top or very bottom of hills, because buses are often unable to stop for passengers on inclines.