Leadership Eastside names new board

The board for Leadership Eastside approved a new slate of officers and directors at its June board meeting. New officers include: chair Betty Spieth (Langton Spieth); chair-elect Drew Magill (The Boeing Company); immediate past chair Jennifer Davies (Symetra Financial); vice-chair curriculum/programs Eric Svaren (Groupsmith, Inc.); vice chair year two/three programs Kathy Hunter (Seattle Times and LE ’08 graduate); vice-chair finance Mike DePuydt (Senderra Corp.); vice-chair marketing Ed Belleba (Friends of Youth); and vice-chair alumni Jeni Craswell (WesTech and LE ’08 graduate).

The board for Leadership Eastside approved a new slate of officers and directors at its June board meeting. New officers include: chair Betty Spieth (Langton Spieth); chair-elect Drew Magill (The Boeing Company); immediate past chair Jennifer Davies (Symetra Financial); vice-chair curriculum/programs Eric Svaren (Groupsmith, Inc.); vice chair year two/three programs Kathy Hunter (Seattle Times and LE ’08 graduate); vice-chair finance Mike DePuydt (Senderra Corp.); vice-chair marketing Ed Belleba (Friends of Youth); and vice-chair alumni Jeni Craswell (WesTech and LE ’08 graduate).

The Board also elected five new members, bringing the total board to 22. The new members are: Tony Gee (Microsoft Corporation and a member of LE’s 2010 class); Stuart Linscott (Charter Bank and a member of LE’s 2009 class); Mike Nesteroff (Lane Powell and a member of LE’s 2009 class) and Tami Ware (Microsoft Corporation).

The board also elected Ben Langhans as a board fellow. Langhans will start the final year of his MBA program at the University of Washington in the fall.

Leadership Eastside is the region’s next-generation community leadership development organization.