Hour-long delays expected on I-90 east of Snoqualmie Pass

Headed east on I-90 east of Snoqualmie Pass? Ugh.

From now until November, motorists should prepare for delays and traffic backups that could add up to one additional hour of travel time to their trip.

The Washington State Department of Transportation waited to start heavy construction activities on the Lake Easton to Bullfrog Road concrete replacement project (milepost 70 to milepost 80) until after the Labor Day holiday. Now, WSDOT and contractor crews are racing against the clock by working both day and night to complete improvements before the first snowfall. Crews have been working only at night since early July, to reduce impacts to the high volumes of summer traffic.

Traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction late Sunday night through Friday morning using the existing eastbound lanes. For the safety of the traveling public, concrete barrier is being placed to separate opposing traffic through the work zone.

On weekends, three travel lanes will be open – with two lanes in the peak travel direction – to accommodate higher traffic volumes. To make these lane shifts possible, construction crews have built lane crossovers that allow westbound traffic to cross into the eastbound travel lanes. Drivers may encounter the crossovers prior to seeing crews on the roadway.

The posted speed limit through the construction zone is 50 mph. Motorists are advised to maintain this posted speed limit through the construction zone.