Developmentally disabled get a holiday bon voyage

Developmentally disabled get a holiday bon voyage

Thirty-five boats sailed from Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club Sunday, spreading cheer like Santa’s armada for the annual Special People’s Holiday Cruise on Lake Washington.

Over 150 people with developmental disabilities participated in the local event, which takes place at docks and yacht clubs throughout the region.

Each year, several hundred independent boaters and charter operators volunteer their vessels to accommodate around 2,000 guests. The program is sponsored by the Seafair Foundation and 76 gas stations.

Participants are treated to a two-hour cruise on local waters, with each person getting a chance to talk with Santa on a handheld radio.

Jo Sullivan asked for a digital camera in 2008, and she got her wish. She carried the gift with her on this year’s cruise to capture memories of the event.

“I love the fresh air out there and hearing Santa on the intercom,” Sullivan said.

What did she ask Santa for this time around?

“A camera printer,” she said.

The largest boat in the local fleet this year was the 69-foot Oasis, originally owned by former NBA star Gary Payton.

The yacht now belongs to Sandy and Chuck Bourbonais, who let a few special-needs guests take the helm during the homeward voyage. Among the lucky drivers were Melanie Patterson and Thaddeus DeMuth.

This year’s cruise involved just as many volunteers as guests, as around 150 people showed up to prepare sandwiches, fit life vests, snap photos, and lend a hand wherever there was work to be done.

Bellevue resident Kevin Shyne served as a radio Santa, responding to gift requests. Seattle paramedics Patti and Micki Mann of Bellevue joined the cruise to handle potential emergencies.

Volunteer Chris Carrico, who works with the developmentally disabled as a para-educator at Sherwood Elementary in Bellevue, said the cruise is a holiday highlight for him.

“It’s so rewarding just to see the looks on everyone’s faces,” he said. “It makes you appreciate Christmas that much more.”