Bellevue’s Scott Allen first man to head state PTA

Scott Allen, of Bellevue, has become the first man to lead the Washington State PTA.

Allen has been active in PTA for many years at Newport High School, on the Bellevue PTA Council and at the state level. He most recently served as the Vice President for the WSPTA from 2007 to 2009.

Allen, a Bellevue dad of three dove into the world of education when his oldest daughter’s kindergarden class was looking for a parent to volunteer as a Pancake Breakfast Dad. Allen stepped up to the challenge.

He began to navigate the state’s educational system out of curiosity and a desire to have a voice for his own kids and the other students in their classroom. As he continued to examine issues of funding and accountability for local school districts, people encouraged him to take on more responsibilities in the education sector.

“I stepped into this role because I want to be involved and have a voice. I have a vision for the organization,” Allen explained, a computer system analyst. “I know we have a lot of parents who are somewhat intimidated by the system. If I can inspire a parent, or more specifically a dad of a student, to get involved in their child’s education, then I feel I have accomplished something.”

Allen’s oldest daughter is now a sophomore in college, his middle child is about to graduate from high school, and his youngest son attends Newport High School.

“My goal is to help parents navigate through the world of education and learn to speak on behalf of their kids in all aspects of education and the overall welfare of students,” Allen said.

When it comes to state funding for education, Allen said the WSPTA is most concerned with equal treatment for districts across the board, the issue of class size, and the importance of hiring quality teachers and staff.

“We understand the position of the district and where the funding has fallen short,” he said. “We have local units and councils working with districts throughout the state. We want to make sure education is supported and is at the forefront of everyone’s minds as we move forward.”

The WSPTA is governed by a board of directors consisting of four statewide officers, 13 region directors, a leadership director, a program director and a legislative director.

Lindsay Larin can be reached at 425.453.4602.