Bellevue to offer free training for conflict resolution coaching

Do you have good communication skills, a positive attitude and the ability to empower people to resolve problems? Can you respect confidentiality and remain impartial? People who possess these attributes and live, work or go to school in Bellevue are eligible for a free Telephone Intake and Conflict Coaching class.


Do you have good communication skills, a positive attitude and the ability to empower people to resolve problems? Can you respect confidentiality and remain impartial?

People who possess these attributes and live, work or go to school in Bellevue are eligible for a free Telephone Intake and Conflict Coaching class, 5-9 p.m., on Oct. 17 and 24, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 19.

Offered by the Bellevue Neighborhood Mediation Program, this training will provide the tools to assist neighbors in understanding their issues, exploring options and developing strategies for problem resolution.

The training is a prerequisite to volunteering as a mediator with the Neighborhood Mediation Program. Applicants must be available to work a two-hour weekly shift during business hours.

Attendance at all sessions is required. Applications are available online . The deadline is Sept. 28. Interviews to follow.

For more information, email or call 425-452-4091.