Bellevue to keep current property tax level

Bellevue City Council members Monday voted 4-3 to not raise property taxes and maintain the current local property tax level for 2010.

The council’s action followed its decision during 2009-2010 biennial budget discussions to consider annual 3 percent increases in the city’s share of the local property tax for 10 years to pay for transportation and other infrastructure projects.

In 2009, the council did approve a 3 percent increase, which resulted in an annual local property tax increase of $17 for the average Bellevue homeowner. A 3 percent increase in 2010 would have meant a $17 annual increase for the average homeowner.

On Monday, several council members acknowledged the importance of the projects.

However, council members Don Davidson, Conrad Lee, Jennifer Robertson and Kevin Wallace, citing the current economic downturn, voted against increasing the tax next year.

Council members are expected to continue their discussions early next year on how to finance transportation as well as other major capital projects.