Bellevue to hold hearing to extend regulations of multi-room rentals

The Bellevue City Council will hold a public hearing Monday night to take comments about whether residents want the city to extend an emergency ordinance regulating renting multiple rooms in single-family residences. The meeting begins at 8 p.m.


The Bellevue City Council will hold a public hearing Monday night to take comments about whether residents want the city to extend an emergency ordinance regulating renting multiple rooms in single-family residences. The meeting begins at 8 p.m.

Spiritwood residents first identified an issue of property owners converting residences into multi-room rentals. The ordinance was passed in September and reaffirmed in November. If approved Monday, the emergency ordinance will be extended again until Sept. 23.

The ordinance currently restricts the number of unrelated renters in a dwelling unit to four and requires those in violation residing in single-family residential areas to vacate by July 1. There is an exception if proof a family unit exists can be provided.

Council meetings are held at City Hall, 450 110th Ave. N.E., Bellevue.