Bellevue Snowscape Heritage Corner

This photograph of the Winters House was shot from Bellevue Way Southeast. The house was constructed for Frederick and Cecilia Winters in 1929, and the couple still was living there at the time the photo was taken.

Winters House, about 1940

This photograph of the Winters House was shot from Bellevue Way Southeast. The house was constructed for Frederick and Cecilia Winters in 1929, and the couple still was living there at the time the photo was taken.

The city of Bellevue purchased the house in 1988 and restored it. However, the small building on the left side of the photograph has long since collapsed; only the foundation remains.

Winter and holiday-themed exhibits are currently on display at the Winters House (2102 Bellevue Way S.E.), Meydenbauer Center and Crossroads Mall.

Heritage Corner is a weekly feature of the Bellevue Reporter. Material is provided by the Eastside Heritage Center.