Bellevue School Board meeting moved to Wednesday

A Bellevue School Board meeting, scheduled for tonight, has been moved back a day to allow for public comments.

The meeting now will be at 7 p.m. and is being switched from the school district headquarters to the Performing Arts Center at Sammamish High School.

The school is located at 100 140th Ave. S.E.

The special meeting notice for Tuesday’s meeting did not provide that public testimony could be heard before the board considered taking action related to the current BEA strike, and the board was interested in hearing such testimony, school officials say.

The subject of the new meeting is the same as the previous one, with the board now hearing public testimony concerning and the board taking action regarding collective bargaining with the Bellevue Education Association and potential legal action related to the current BEA strike; and to meet in executive session to discuss with legal counsel matters relating to agency enforcement actions and/or potential litigation.