Bellevue police to provide safety tips to kids

Lt. Lisa Patricelli from the Bellevue Police Department will talk and visit with children at the Salvation Army Eastside After School Program on Feb. 16 to give general pointers on staying safe.

Lt. Lisa Patricelli from the Bellevue Police Department will talk and visit with children at the Salvation Army Eastside After School Program on Feb. 16 to give general pointers on staying safe.

She also will speak about what the job of a police officer is like during the 4 p.m. meeting.

The children will get a chance to see the workings of a patrol car up close, and may even get to meet a police dog.

The Salvation Army Eastside is pleased to provide the opportunity for the children and youth to meet with and learn from a Bellevue police officer and learn about all the police do to protect our lives and freedom on a daily basis.

The Salvation Army is located at 911 164th Ave. NE, Bellevue.