Bellevue LifeSpring begins partnership to offer a hand up

Bellevue LifeSpring has begun a Partnership for Independence program, designed to work with carefully selected individuals to help them achieve their educational goals and become completely self-sufficient.


Bellevue LifeSpring has begun a Partnership for Independence program, designed to work with carefully selected individuals to help them achieve their educational goals and become completely self-sufficient.

The partnership will target people who may not have the education to make more than minimum wage or those who provide the only family income but are ready to go back to school to improve their lives.

The program provides custom financial assistance coupled with personal mentoring to prepare these individuals in all aspects of their lives.

While enrolled, partners repay the organization through volunteer hours and must meet other benchmarks set by their mentors. After graduation, partners are prepared to move up in the job market and continue giving back to the community.

By alleviating financial stress, the partnership program will allow participants to focus on and prioritize their studies, LifeSpring officials said.

More information is available at