Bellevue launches new online recession resource guide

With local social services agencies reporting a dramatic jump in demand with the recession, Bellevue has launched an online resource guide for people in need of food, clothing, shelter and more.

According to Hopelink, the Eastside’s largest social service agency, requests by Bellevue residents for emergency financial assistance this winter was 49 percent higher than a year before. Local food banks report a 50 percent increase in demand over last year. 
The resource guide: “Bellevue Cares – Help in These Tough Economic Times” offers contact information for local agencies that provide food, clothing, financial counseling, emergency financial assistance, job resources, health care, foreclosure assistance and emergency shelters.

The web pages include links to the Crisis Clinic’s “2-1-1” community resources database, a searchable, comprehensive list of agencies throughout the region. They also include information about helpful events such as financial workshops.

For those who want to help others, volunteering opportunities are available.

The city developed Bellevue Cares as part of a city initiative to address increased community need observed by staff, especially at Mini City Hall at Crossroads. The city is also leading food drives.