Bellevue College diversity chief to be honored

Yoshiko Harden, vice president of diversity at Bellevue College, is one of 11 women who will be honored at the upcoming “Women of Color Empowered” luncheon in Seattle on Thursday, Jan. 31.

Yoshiko Harden, vice president of diversity at Bellevue College, is one of 11 women who will be honored at the upcoming “Women of Color Empowered” luncheon in Seattle on Thursday, Jan. 31. She was chosen based on her career achievement, significant contribution to local communities of color, and inspiration to others to follow her lead.

Harden, who started at Bellevue College in July of last year, provides leadership in the development, coordination and implementation of programs that promote and integrate equity and inclusion at the college. She had previously spent 10 years at Highline Community College as a student affairs practitioner, eventually becoming director of multicultural services and student development.

Women of Color Empowered is a non-profit organization founded in 1996 by the Northwest Asian Weekly Foundation. The organization consists of professional women who work to enhance the quality of life for women of all races and backgrounds through events that build cross-cultural and multi-generational relationships, promote community service, and foster self-improvement and mentoring.

This is the 17th year that the organization has hosted a luncheon recognizing exceptional women. For more information about the honorees, visit