
Total Revive Plus Reviews (UpWellness Total Revive+) Know This First!

Total Revive+ is a supplement that provides users with a wealth of nourishment to improve their gut health. The formula is easy to use, and it is packed with ingredients that naturally regulate the intestines.

What is Total Revive+?

Everyone who tries to lose weight wants to take some extra inches off of their midsection. No one likes security the excess weight, and this area of the body tends to be more difficult than any other when reducing the pounds. Even though there are many targeted exercises, users need to eat the right foods to see the weight come off. Unfortunately, getting the right concentration of certain nutrients can be difficult, leaving many consumers to wonder what else they can do to get into the shape they want to be in. Luckily, using Total Revive+ can be incredibly helpful.

Total Revive+ is filled with more ingredients than the majority of digestive aids today. Instead of simply filling the body with laxatives or fiber, this formula focuses on delivering nutrients that the gut needs to thrive and properly processed foods.

How Does Total Revive+ Work?

The majority of Total Revive+ is made of probiotics, helping the digestive system relieve discomfort and become much healthier for weight loss. Considering where the gut is located on the body, purging anything that may keep it bloated can be a beneficial step in achieving the slim body that every person aims for.

The probiotics included in this formula include:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Lactobacillus plantarum
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum
  • Bifidobacterium breve
  • Boulardii

This formula also includes ingredients that aren’t probiotics, like:

  • Amylase
  • Invertase
  • Maltase
  • Dipeptidyl peptidase
  • Phytase
  • Protease
  • Lipase
  • Serratiopeptidase
  • Amla
  • Gotu kola
  • Holy basil

Read on below to find out the role that each of these ingredients plays in creating Total Revive+.

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Lactobacillus acidophilus provides consumers with relief from digestive discomfort. It is beneficial to women, and it gets to work on the inflammation that can exist in the intestines when they are not adequately taking care of.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Lactobacillus rhamnosus supports the health of the gastrointestinal system. It primarily focuses on alleviating inflammation, although it can also help the body’s natural immune response to disease.

Lactobacillus plantarum

Lactobacillus Plantarum is most frequently found in fermented foods. Some consumers already have these foods as part of their diet, including sauerkraut. The entire purpose of Lactobacillus Plantarum is that it can survive through the stomach and into the intestine because it can withstand a highly acidic environment. This makes it perfect to handle stomach acid.

Once it gets down to the intestines, it promotes better function of the gastrointestinal tract, and it supports immunity.

Bifidobacterium bifidum

Bifidobacterium bifidum it’s found in humans already. However, that is part of the reason it is so necessary to supplement. This type of bacterial strain is found in people as young as infants, helping them maintain the balanced ecosystem within the intestines.

Bifidobacterium breve

Bifidobacterium breve only recently started getting attention about six years ago. The research showed that the use of this particular strain is conducive to a regulated metabolic rate, connecting it directly to weight loss.


Boulardii is a microorganism that is relatively similar to the composition and effectiveness of Brewer’s yeast. Scientists have been studying it for several decades to see its effect on the regulation of the intestines. It also helps the immune system protect itself from pathogens.


Amylase is a digestive enzyme that is naturally found in the saliva of all humans. It is used to convert the starches in food into sugar that the body can use for energy. If the body did not have it, the molecules from carbohydrates would ferment in the colon to create the gas that ultimately leads to diarrhea. Anyone who has had many carbohydrates in one meal already understands the impact of excessive sugars on the body.

By including this suggestive enzyme, carbohydrates can easily be broken down to eliminate the possibility of these embarrassing consequences. Users will also have more energy throughout the day as they do nothing else to lose weight.


Invertase is often found in honey, and it breaks up the bond between glucose and fructose. By breaking down this connection, digestion is much easier for the body, and it can use the simple carbohydrates as they are meant to have. Users essentially get a lot more energy with this breakdown, and they don’t risk the same toxic fermentation that they can suffer from without the right amount of amylase in the body.

It also supports the immune system and prevents bacteria from overgrowing within the GI tract.


Maltase comes directly from the lining of the small intestine, using its ability to break down fruits, vegetables, and grains to feel more energetic after a meal. This enzyme is necessary for healthy bowel movements, rather than watery or other liquid bathroom visits.

Dipeptidyl peptidase

Dipeptidyl peptidase, more commonly referred to as DPP, is another enzyme, helping consumers to include gluten and any products in the diet without bringing pain to the digestive system. It effectively breaks down the gluten, meaning users can eat more bread and pasta and all the gluten-centric foods they love.


While the body requires foods like grains, and lagoons, nuts, and seeds, the use of Phytase is crucial to the body’s ability to process it. It stores the nutrients from each of these foods, disperse the vitamins and minerals correctly. It releases stored calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and many others to reduce the risk of food cravings.



Protease is used to help the body absorb more protein, ensuring that the user feels fuller with less food. It breaks down the protein into two amino acids, which are easier for the body to handle. Protein is also beneficial to the metabolism, ensuring that users get a leaner body. This remedy is so helpful because users can consume more fiber without feeling intense digestive discomfort.

Fiber is crucial to the health of the body because it can help users increase the growth of healthy bacteria and make the individual feel fuller. It is easy to resist the extra calories that would otherwise be triggered by snacking habits with greater satiety. Since exclusively including fiber can lead to flatulence, using an enzyme (like Protease) keeps the balance.


The role of lipase is relatively simple. It is produced by the pancreas and helps the fat the users consume break down into fatty acids. Fatty acids are much easier for the digestive system to handle, reducing the damaging effect that bad fat can cause.


Serratiopeptidase is relatively new to consumers, but it can dissolve specific proteins to make them easier for the body to digest. It also reduces inflammation, eases pain and swelling in the joints, and dissolves the protein that creates scarring.


Amla, which also goes by the name Indian gooseberry, is an adaptogen and superfood. It’s loaded with vitamin C, helping with digestion in the same way that an herbal tea might. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine, and it reduces the stress on the body. With less stress, the digestive system works much easier.

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola is herbal medicine, and its use goes back thousands of years. It is primarily used to reduce the appearance of aging, though it can also turn back the internal clock. It soothes the intestines and helps the body to heal wounds at record speeds. Also known as tiger grass, the regenerative effects are beneficial to the GI tract.

Holy Basil

Holy basil goes by several names, though the other popular name for it is Tulsi. It has been used since ancient times to reduce stress, and it has many impressive physiological effects. Digestion is just one way to help the body, though it can also manage high glucose levels or promote better stamina.

Purchasing Total Revive+

Anyone interested in the power of Total Revive+ can go through the official website to purchase the bottles. There are three different options, depending on how much the user wants to get at once. The options include:

  • $47 for one bottle
  • $128.25 for three bottles
  • $171 for six bottles

Individuals that want to save more on the already discounted products can switch to VIP automatic deliveries rather than ordering as a one-time transaction. Subscribing to these supplements will reduce the user’s cost by an additional 10%.

Consumers who don’t get the effects they want to experience are eligible for a 60-day return policy that will give them a full refund within about two months of their purchase date.

For customers that still want to know more, the creators can be reached by either sending an email to info@upwellness.com or by calling 800-876-2196.


Total Revive+ Summary

Total Revive+ allows consumers to take control of their digestive system without cleaning or taking a laxative. This formula only requires a couple of capsules a day, but it is filled with digestive enzymes, probiotics, and adaptogens that easily calm any digestive discomfort. All of these ingredients have benefits that go far beyond what the GI tract needs, which is part of the reason it may be called “Total Revive.” Individuals that take on this regimen have several months to decide if it is working for their needs while they are still eligible for a refund if necessary.

Plus, users get the choice of either a one-time transaction or a subscription to meet their needs further.


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