Want to save money? Don’t see ‘Shopaholic!’

When I heard there was a movie coming out about shopping, I was so anxious to see it! I was in the mood for shopping when we were in Los Angeles to visit family.

Unfortunately, the film really wasn’t about shopping at all and the parts that were talked about how bad it was.

Did it heighten my excitement to go shopping? Hardly! Did it inspire me to go out and buy the newest, coolest fashion? No way!

It did have important moral ideas such as to always be truthful because lies always comeback to you and that material things never and shouldn’t make you happy for long. Also, there was the message that only you define yourself and not your things.

The story is about a girl named Rebecca Bloomwood, played by Isla Fisher, whose company went out of business while she was over $16,000 in credit card debt. She struggles with impulsive shopping because she believes that material things can make her happy when life isn’t going the way she wants.

Eventually she improbably gets a job at a finance magazine and she rapidly becomes popular for her fun and insightful columns. She falls in love with her boss, played by Hugh Dancy, and instantly they are together. But, soon enough her rocky, in-debt past creeps up to ruin her success and relationships.

Rebecca is played over the top and her character quickly begins to look exaggerated and too extreme. Overall, the movie didn’t do much for me and it really wasn’t as heartfelt and deep as it tried to be.

I wouldn’t recommend it at all. It sure was a good thing I already bought the dress I wore for the Academy Awards viewing party!

Speaking of that, this Sunday I attended Lincoln Square Cinemas’ Academy Award Viewing Party fundraising for the Children’s Hospital. It was a blast!

When you walked in there was an amazing balloon display, red carpet entrance and huge movie poster boards. There were great silent auction items, benefiting Children’s Hospital, and a lot of cool door prizes. There were yummy snacks provided by the Parlor Billiards & Spirit.

Everyone was dressed up and was having a really fun time. It was awesome to watch the Oscars on the huge cinema screen. It was so fun being among all of the other enthusiastic movie-lovers cheering on their favorite movies, actors and actresses. I even called “Slumdog Millionaire” for Best Picture!

Aran Kirschenmann, 12, is a contributing writer for the Bellevue Reporter and a seventh grader at The International School in Bellevue.