Twilight: Actors amazing, screaming never stopped

After reading the first book in the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer, I was hooked. I devoured them all in only a few days. In fact I’ve read each of the four books several times.

After reading the first book in the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer, I was hooked. I devoured them all in only a few days. In fact I’ve read each of the four books several times.

One of my good friends, Catherine O’Brien, who I went to see the movie with, recommended and lent them to me. Upon hearing of the movie version of Twilight, I was thrilled. The story’s plot of forbidden love between a human girl and a vampire in modern day, set so close to where I live, was very enthralling.

I admit I had my doubts about the movie being anywhere near as great as the books, but after walking out of the Lincoln Square Cinema Friday night, Nov. 21, I was impressed.

Coming in the doors more than an hour before the 7:20 p.m. showing, we saw a huge line already formed. I had never seen the theater so crowded. Nearly all the fans were wearing T-shirts saying things like “Team Edward,” “Team Jacob,” who are Bella’s two competing love interests, and “Twi-hard,” which means a die-hard Twilight fan. It was incredible how many people, mostly girls around my age, were loving the Twilight Saga.

As we finally entered the theater room, we saw that all the seats were filling fast and grabbed the best seats we could. As soon as the lights dimmed for our feature presentation, the room came alive with screams and shouts, not to mention the loud giggling and cheering whenever the main story’s heartthrobs, Edward Cullen (the vampire) and Jacob Black (the werewolf) entered the scene. The screaming never stopped. It was just crazy in there!

If you’ve read the book and are wondering whether to see the movie, I recommend going. When the movie ended, which for me seemed much too soon after it had started, the fans screamed and cheered even more.

The movie followed the book very closely, even using important lines of the book’s dialogue, but the director added other interesting new parts, like Edward climbing up trees with Bella on his back, while skipping over others.

The actors were amazing and the lead, Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella Swan, was exactly as I pictured her, and Robert Pattinson made an very intriguing Edward Cullen.

The Twilight story calls to teen girls, not because of how well written it is or how well it is acted, but because of its well developed characters. Bella Swan, like many of us, is just a shy and observant, though very selfless girl, while Edward the vampire is kind, protective and romantic. The trueness of their love is what I believe draws so many teens to the story. I think all fans will enjoy this version of Stephanie Meyers book Twilight, because I know I did.

Aran Kirschenmann, 12, is a seventh grader at The International School in Bellevue.