Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince highly entertaining

Finally! The sixth movie installment in the Harry Potter series has arrived.

“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” has all the action and struggles we’ve missed throughout the year and more. The “Harry Potter” series, as most of you know, is about a boy wizard named Harry Potter, played by Daniel Radcliffe, who escaped death from Voldemort, an evil wizard, because of his mother’s love and his two best friends, Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Waston). Now he learns he is the Chosen One, and must defeat the menace Voldemort once and for all, or be defeated himself.

The sixth film starts right where the fifth ended, with his Headmaster Dumbledor (Michael Gambon) of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, after a duel with “The Dark Lord,” and sadly the opening was a grim scene much like the rest of the film, but it was astounding.

“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” was much better than the fifth movie, which I honestly didn’t enjoy at all, mainly because Harry was sulking and ignoring his friends for the most part of that movie. The sixth is better mostly because in it we get to see a happier Harry enjoy some time with his friends in Hogwarts before the danger and constant reminder of “The Dark Lord,” Voldemort kicks back in. This “Harry Potter” had more romance between the friends and more time at Hogwarts, which I think makes the movie more light and fun, in contrast with the big fight scenes which I also enjoy.

“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” is filled with excitement and totally enthralling. I practically jumped out of my seat during several parts of the movie! I have to say, it was one of my favorite “Harry Potter” films yet!

Daniel Radcliffe has grown into his character a lot from the first “Harry Potter” film in 2001, when he was only 12 years old, not to mention that Watson, Grint, and the rest of the kids have grown so much as well. It is funny looking back to the beginning films and seeing them my age, when, at the time, they seemed much older than me.

This year’s new Potions teacher at Hogwarts is an interesting addition and plays a key role in the movie, and when he twitches his eyes a lot it’s quite funny and strange at the same time. I noticed that poor Ron Weasley seems to play the fool the most in this film, as he is tricked by girls, love potions, and even his friends. Ron is ignorant about Hermione’s obvious crush on him and appears a bit distant the whole movie, but he remains one of my favorite characters of the series.

The film also really sets up for the final “Harry Potter” movie, and hopefully the defeat of Voldemort, if they can find out the only way to kill him completely.

I recommend seeing “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” to almost anyone, especially kids my age, and will definitely go see it again when it comes out in IMAX 3D at Lincoln Square on July 29.

Aran Kirschenmann, 12, is a contributing writer for the Bellevue Reporter and a seventh grader at The International School in Bellevue.