Who was real enemy?

General Petraeus besmirched his reputation and so had to exit from the CIA. He is making himself look even more ridiculous by expecting us to believe that the administration didn't want to talk about terror because it "might tip the enemy off."


General Petraeus besmirched his reputation and so had to exit from the CIA. He is making himself look even more ridiculous by expecting us to believe that the administration didn’t want to talk about terror because it “might tip the enemy off.”

The whole Benghazi debacle was mishandled by the Obama administration from three months before (when requests were sent in for more protection) to the final tragic end.

They act now like a little dose of antacid will make the whole thing go away. They really don’t want to be bothered with answering questions like timelines and what was was done to help (nothing). Since it was so close to the elections, one wonders which enemy the administration worried about “tipping off.” Was it Al Qaida? I think they already knew they were the enemy. Or was it the Republicans?

Denny Andrews, Bellevue