Weighted lottery better for International School

A lottery may be the only equitable means of determining admission to the International School, but there is an obvious flaw in the manner in which it is administered. While upholding the “sibling slot” system, it clearly gives families with multiple children more opportunities for admission.

A simple and easy solution would be a weighted lottery based on the number of siblings. For example, a family with three children would be granted two lottery numbers when each of their children applied. A family with two children would be granted three lottery numbers for each child and a family with one child would receive six lottery numbers. This process would allow each family the same number of opportunities and thereby level the statistical playing field.

There are sure to be exceptions and some latitude could be extended to families with extenuating circumstances, but a weighted lottery would eliminate far more inequities than what it would create. Since admission is based solely on chance, that chance should be equal to everyone.

Don D’Amore