Transit support is vital to the region

I see the Boo Birds are already out in force against Prop 1, including lots of visual pollution along our streets, your front page coverage of the Bellevue Chamber's opposition (big surprise there), plus the nine column-inches and banner headline you gave them on your "Viewpoints" page to state their case.

I see the Boo Birds are already out in force against Prop 1, including lots of visual pollution along our streets, your front page coverage of the Bellevue Chamber’s opposition (big surprise there), plus the nine column-inches and banner headline you gave them on your “Viewpoints” page to state their case.

Well here’s a different viewpoint. While I don’t personally take transit (I have a highly variable work schedule), I still benefit from it every day since fewer cars on the road means less congestion and less air pollution and I am happy to pay my annual car tab fee increase to support it.

However, my adult daughter does take it every day to get to work. Since she and her new husband can’t afford a second car, and he needs the one they have because of his variable work schedule, it’s her only option to get to her job. If Proposition 1 fails, the resulting reductions in service will impact her directly, costing her additional precious time (it already takes her over an hour) and money.

There are thousands of other people for whom transit is their only option. And for those who do opt for transit over their cars, the service cuts will be an incentive to switch back to their cars adding still more congestion and pollution.

Do the math – the mode split into/out of downtown Seattle during rush hours is something like 75 percent transit. The Reporter’s (and the Chamber’s) consistent anti-transit, anti-tax positions continue to be a major dis-service to the greater good of the community as a whole. Vote “yes” on Prop 1.

W. David Osmer, Bellevue