Time for another change

Our country has become more divisive during the past two years than I have ever seen in the past 50 years. What changed?

Our country has become more divisive during the past two years than I have ever seen in the past 50 years. What changed?

We have a president – who promised change. The first two years when the Congress and the White House were controlled by one party, they didn’t need to nor did they invite anyone else to the table to discuss the issues. Legislation was just rammed down our throats.

The voters changed that at the last election. Now, everyone not on the president, vice president and Democrat side is called names e.g. terrorist, hostage takers, etc.

It is time for another change _ this one to get rid of the grade-school mentality and elect adults who respect the office they hold and the American people.

Larry Brickman, Bellevue