There are more traffic rules to learn

Kevin Endejan's March 30 article on merging traffic is what I have been saying since I moved here in 1977.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!! Kevin Endejan’s March 30 article on merging traffic is what I have been saying since I moved here in 1977. I do not understand why merging is such a foreign concept to Washingtonians. Simple physics tells one that an immovable object cannot join forces with one that is moving, without consequences.

I wish you would also address another issue that is the cause of many accidents: On a city street with two lanes of traffic each way, a car has a green light and yet stops, waits and motions oncoming traffic to turn left in front of them in front of oncoming traffic proceeding legally at 35 MPH in the right lane. The offender is laboring under the misunderstanding that he is being neighborly when in fact he is causing an accident. Please tell all of Washington “only stop to allow someone to turn left in front of you if it is a legal maneuver, which when translated into Washingtonian-ese means you have a red light, and all traffic proceeding in your direction has stopped.

Also people should not take it upon themselves to drive 59 MPH in the fast lane to control the speed on a freeway.

I believe that if all of these concepts were followed, we would have a much better, safer commute.

Bonnie Connors, Redmond