The flaw in light rail

Light rail has finally begun operation in Seattle. Some residents there have complained about the limited access because of a lack of parking near light rail. The response was: Light rail was meant to be fed by people taking the bus, walking, or biking. It was not meant to be fed by cars.

That single statement typifies the problem with East Link. The only ones with access will be those who live near downtown Bellevue or have easy access to the South Bellevue P&R.

East Link forces all of the other cross-lake traffic onto the outer bridge, a sure recipe for gridlock. The idea that adding a fourth lane will somehow allow it to accommodate all the added traffic is totally absurd. (They could have done it a long time ago if it was so beneficial.)

East Link also eliminates the opportunity to modify the bridge center section to accommodate two-way bus only traffic. Single lanes in each direction would provide more than enough capacity to provide reliable, high-speed bus service to every Eastside P&R lot as well as improve Seattleites access to Bellevue and Overlake.

Attracting commuters to their local P&R is the only way to ease Eastside congestion.

Bill Hirt, Bellevue