Thai has vision we need

My-Linh Thai combines the insight that comes from school and community involvement with the pragmatic vision that the Bellevue School District will need as we and our children grapple with new education and workforce paradigms in this rapidly-changing world.


My-Linh Thai combines the insight that comes from school and community involvement with the pragmatic vision that the Bellevue School District will need as we and our children grapple with new education and workforce paradigms in this rapidly-changing world.

Forcing a school district to run like a business may look good on paper, and some aspects no doubt have their benefits, but that sole focus diminishes the pressures and concerns that face each family differently, as well as the emotional and intellectual trust that parents and students place in their schools and school district. Schools, the school district and the community are a whole dynamic system, with different interactions on many levels, and it takes someone with My-Linh’s experience, empathy and vision to help guide the system where it needs to go.

My-Linh already has shown her intellect and expertise in her school involvement and volunteer work. In working with diverse school communities, be they teachers, administrators, students or their families, she shows her ability to foster relationships, listen to various viewpoints, seek answers and to problem-solve. To maintain, foster, and elevate the high standards we expect from the Bellevue School District will take everyone’s involvement and that kind of leadership.

Hubert Cheng, Bellevue